Wade Arnold Blog

Wade Arnold Wade Arnold

Key Factors in Success Therapy and Coaching

When it comes to improving your marriage, you may wonder what really makes a difference in coaching. There’s no shortage of advice, but what factors truly lead to positive outcomes in coaching? It turns out, there are a few key elements that can make all the difference. And, whether you're struggling with conflict or just want to strengthen your bond, knowing these factors can give you hope and a fresh outlook for your relationship.

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Wade Arnold Wade Arnold

The Power of Forgiveness in Marriage

So, why is forgiveness so crucial in a marriage? First, let’s be real—nobody can meet all our expectations. We all make mistakes, sometimes unintentionally, and sometimes when emotions get the best of us. In marriage, it’s not about if your spouse will mess up, but when. And when they do, how will you respond?

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Wade Arnold Wade Arnold

Why Christians shouldn’t see Non-Christian Counselors or Coaches

When you’re facing challenges in your marriage, it’s natural to seek help. But as Christians, it’s important to be mindful of where that help comes from. Marriage is a sacred covenant designed by God, and how you approach the issues in your marriage should align with the beliefs and values that you hold dear. That’s why, as a Christian couple, you might want to think twice before going to a non-Christian therapist or coach.

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Wade Arnold Wade Arnold

How Our Actions Impact Each Other

Have you ever noticed how your mood can completely change based on how your spouse treats you? Or how a kind word from you can transform their day? That’s not just a coincidence—it’s a concept called reciprocal determinism. It’s a bit of a mouthful, I know, but stick with me; it’s easier (and more important) than it sounds!

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Wade Arnold Wade Arnold

Insurance for Therapy? Think Again

We know therapy works. What is less clear is how to pay for it. For those of us with insurance, it seems logical that we would use it for therapy. But that isn’t always the best idea. We’ve put together the top 9 reasons why you shouldn’t use insurance to pay for mental health treatment.

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Wade Arnold Wade Arnold

Marriage As Discipleship

Marriage is so much more than a simple union of two individuals; it is a sacred journey that profoundly influences the spiritual growth of Christian husbands and wives. As a cornerstone for discipleship and mutual support, marriage offers an opportunity like no other relationship for faith and marriage to thrive.

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Wade Arnold Wade Arnold

Why I Don’t Accept Insurance

Using insurance for counseling or psychotherapy is bad for the client and it is bad for the therapist. Insurance companies are not looking out for the best interests of their policyholders. They are in the business of making money.

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