Is God Male or Female?

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In the New Testament, God incarnates Himself as male in the person Jesus. The Holy Spirit is in the neuter gender (as opposed to masculine or feminine). The Holy Spirit in the New Testament is genderless.

The above is barely a thumbnail sketch of the issue, but it does point us in a direction. God has chosen to reveal Himself to us as male. Perhaps this is why the church is referred to as the bride of Christ. At the same time, Christians have acknowledged from the beginning of our movement that God, as a Spirit being that does not have a physical body like ours, is beyond sex and gender (sex being tied to biology and gender being the more recent social construct). God is the perfect expression of all that it means to us to be male and all that it means to us to be female.

How does a masculine understanding of God affect your view of God? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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