Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting , 3
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I promised some practical tips
So, what does fasting actually look like. If you have decided to fast, what do you need to do? Well, Elmer Towns identified four different types of fasts in Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough. There are, of course, variations of these types of fasts, but these are a good place to start.A Normal Fast is what most frequently comes to mind when people hear the word fast. They think of abstaining from food for a given amount of time. The length of time varies from a few hours, three days, a week, up to forty days. How long should you fast? Seek God’s guidance. I have known a few people who have completed normal fasts (drinking fruit juices only with no solid foods) for forty days. However, 24-hour to one week fasts are most typical.An Absolute Fast is abstention from food and water. Obviously, the absolute fast should be of very short duration should be attempted only under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and a medical professional. This fast can be very dangerous and should be attempted only by those in excellent physical condition.During a Partial Fast only fruits and vegetables are consumed. For those with medical conditions which make total abstention from food a risk, this fast can be an effective and beneficial fast.During a Rotational Fast, we eat only from certain food groups for a given period of time, then change food groups for another period of time, and so on. So, we might eat only dairy for three days, then switch to vegetables for three days, and so on. (Full disclosure: I have never done this type of fast and have never met anyone who has. If you have, let me know how it went.)
When to fast
Finding a time to fast in our society is extremely difficult. Just think about it. How many breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner meetings do you have in any given week? For some, this isn’t an issue, but there are frequently more days during the week that I have meetings scheduled during meal times than not. And if you have a family, do you really want to skip those few meals that you might have with your family? This challenge is exactly the reason we need to be fasting. Our schedules are frequently out of control and need to be reigned in. John Wesley fasted every week beginning after his meal on Thursday evening until about 3:00 on Friday afternoon. For the past several months, I have found this pattern to be doable, though I am not legalistic about it. I simply don’t schedule meetings around food on Fridays. What’s important is that you find a time, a regular time, to fast. All of this requires self-control, which happens to be the very virtue we are hoping the Holy Spirit works in our lives.[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.0.77"]
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